Our Products

SCR Commutation Techniques - ME 793 - MARS
Product Overview

To study various commutation techniques (A,B,C,D,E
and F) & observe outputs on LED.
Output voltages 12V DC/ 300mA & 6V AC/ 300m Housed
in PVC cabinet, circuit diagram printed, conne various
components & test points brought out
at Glass (PCB) front panel.
Also provided with patch chords & instruction manual.
Power Requirement: 220VAC +10%, 50Hz
For more details please refer datasheet.

Light Intesity Control Using SCR’s - ME 791 - MARS
Product Overview

Light Intesity Control Using SCR’s is Designed
to study light dimmer circuit using SCR & TRIAC.
220VAC/ 50Hz operated circuit.
SCR 2P 4M, Triac BT 136 is used in circuit
On board control for intensity.
On board lamp holder.
Circuit diagram printed on front panel & test 
points brought out on front panel.
For more details please refer datasheet.

SCR Firing Circuit - ME 792 - MARS
Product Overview

SCR Firing Circuit designed to study various type 
of firing circuit & observe waveforms on CRO
Firing circuits used.
I) R type triggering circuit .
Ii) RC type triggering.
Iii) UJT triggering.
Iv) DC bias triggering.
In built IC based DC regulated fixed power supply 
+12VDC/150mA & 9VAC.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Step Up Chopper - ME 798 - MARS
Product Overview


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To study stepping up of DC voltage by change 
in duty cycle of the pulse at the gate of MOSFET
Output voltage: 20V DC/5A, +12V DC/300mA 
& 5V DC/300mA Instrument provided with on board Lamp
holder, frequency and duty cycle control of triggering
Housed in wooden cabinet, circuit diagram printed, 
connections of driver circuits (Op-amp and Power 
Transistor), MOSFET & test points brought out
at Bakelite front panel.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Single Phase Half wave, Full wave & Fully Controlled Bridge Rectifier/ Converter using SCR's - ME 799 - MARS
Product Overview

To study single phase half wave, full wave
& fully controlled bridge rectifier/converter
using SCR's & observe wave form on CRO.
Output voltage :10-0-10V AC
Meters (Analog): 0-6V AC, 0-10V DC, 0-200mA DC
Instrument provided with on board load 
resistance 50 ohms - 1 kohm (selectable using 
Band Switch) & phase angle control Potentiometer.
Power Requirement: 220VAC ±10%, 50Hz
For more details please refer datasheet.

DC Motor Speed Control using SCR - ME 800 - MARS
Product Overview

To study and control speed of a DC Motor in SCR
based circuit using RC triggering.
Meters (digital) : 0-200V DC, 0-500mA DC Instrument 
provided with 1/12 HP DC Motor, on board phase
angle control Potentiometer.
Housed in Metal cabinet, circuit diagram printed, 
provided with on board phase angle control Potentiometer.
connections of various components & test points brought
out at Bakelite front Panel.
Power Requirement: 220VAC ±10%, 50Hz
For more details please refer datasheet.

Three Phase Half Controlled Bridge Converter with R&RL Load - ME 801 - MARS
Product Overview

To observe and study line commutation principle
in a three phase half controlled
Bridge convertor using R & RL Load
The setup comprises of firing unit & power unit.
Operating voltage: 3 Phase, 415V AC
Output voltage : 0-150V DC (usually offload output
goes up to 180V DC depending on line voltage)
Meters (Digital) : 0-5A DC &0-300V DC
Power Requirement: 415VAC ±10%, 50Hz
For more details please refer datasheet.

Speed Control of DC Motor using 3 Phase Fully Controlled Converter - ME 802M - MARS
Product Overview

Speed Control of DC Motor using 3 Phase 
Fully Controlled Converter
Operating voltage: 3 Phase, 415V AC
Output voltage: 0-220V DC (depending on line voltage)
Meters (Digital) 0-300V DC, 0-9999 RPM Meter.
Power unit housed in metal cabinet, circuit 
diagram printed, connections ofvarious components
(SCR-6 No&'s & freewheeling Diode) & test points
brought out at Bakelite front panel
For more details please refer datasheet.

Power Electronics Trainer with 6 Applications - ME 790 - MARS
Product Overview

To study DC fan speed control using PWM & MOSFET. 
To study light intensity control using PWM & IGBT.
To study AC fan speed control using TRIAC & DIAC.
To study temperature control using comparator & BJT.
To study light intensity control using SCR & R triggering.
To study light activated solid state switch
Output voltage
: 12V DC (internally connected)
: 220V AC (with 'ON/OFF' switch to drive the circuit)
For more details please refer datasheet.

Advance Power Electronics Lab Trainer (Bread Board Model) - ME 790A - MARS
Product Overview

To study application of Thyristors (SCR, MOSFET,

DC Power Supply : ±5V/500mA, ±12V/500mA, 15V/250mA
                : +35V/250mA
AC Power Supply: 18-0-18V AC, 15V AC
On board triggering circuit with frequency, PWM 
& duty cycle control.
On board single phase rectifier firing circuit 
with firing angle control. 
For more details please refer datasheet.

Phase Control using Triac - ME 794 - MARS
Product Overview

To control phase angle by Triac & observe 
the wave form on CRO.

In built Sine wave Oscillator of 15V pp/ 1KHz
On board control for phase angle.
TRIAC BT 136 used.
Circuit diagram printed on front panel & test 
points brought out on front panel.
Power requirement: 230 VAC +10%, 50Hz.
Patch Cords, Instruction Manua
For more details please refer datasheet.

Switching Action of a BJT - ME 795 - MARS
Product Overview

To Study the Switching of Action of a BJT 
& Observe the output on LED.

In built fixed power supply +18VDC/200mA
Two NPN transistor BC 547 used.
One dual range analog voltmeter (0-1/10VDC)
8.2V zener diode used .
Circuit diagram printed on front panel &
test points brought out on front panel.
Power requirement: 230 VAC +10%, 50Hz.
Patch cords & Instruction Manual
For more details please refer datasheet.

UJT Controlled SCR Time Delay - ME 796 - MARS
Product Overview

Thyristor Firing Circuit Kit Design to 
introduce time delay using UJT & Observe
output on LED.
In built fixed power supply +12VDC/250mA
UJT 2646, SCR 2P4M based circuit.
For variable time delay following resistance
& capacitance values
i) Resistance-10K, 50K-500K,
ii) Capacitance - 1mF, 47mF, 1mF, 10mF-470mF
For more details please refer datasheet.

Single Phase Cyclometer - ME 804 - MARS
Product Overview

Designed to convert line frequency to 1/2,1/3
& 1/4 of its value & observe the wave form on CRO
Power supply +9volt DC for reference.
In built IC based DC regulated power supply +5VDC.
Three separate supplies V1, V2 and V3 of +5Volt 
DC each for opto isolators (MCT2E).
Built in clock generator.
Frequency selection switch for selecting frequencies
of 25Hz, 16.66 & 12.5Hz.
For more details please refer datasheet.

SMPS Trainer Kit - ME 806 - MARS
Product Overview

Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) using high frequency 
transformer & high switching transistor has been designed
to study the line and load regulation characteristics of
SMPS power supplies.
Study of AC to DC Convertor.
Measurement of DC output using multimeter.
Study of DC filteration.
Measurement of filtered DC output.
Study of control of output DC voltage.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Jone’s Chopper - ME 807 - MARS
Product Overview

To study the working Jone’s Chopper 
& observe various waveforms on CRO
Power supply of +25VDC.
On board frequency and duty cycle controls.
On board lamp holder.
Circuit diagram printed on front panel
& hyristors “TYN 612” & “2P4M”
test points brought out on front panel.
Power requirement: 230 VAC +10%, 50Hz.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Morgan Chopper - ME 808 - MARS
Product Overview

To Study the Working of Morgan Chopper 
& Observe various waveforms on CRO.
In built power supply of range +15V DC / 200mA.
One number of Digital Panel Meter for voltage
measurement of range 0-20V.
One number of Digital Panel Meter for current
measurement of range 0-2A.
Selector Switch for selecting capacitance of 
different values i.e. 10mF, 20mF and 30mF.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Series Inverter using SCR’s - ME 809 - MARS
Product Overview

To Study the Conversion of DC To AC 
by use of Series Inverter
Power supply of +40VDC/3Amps.
On board frequency controls.
On board lamp holder.
Circuit diagram printed on front panel two thyristors 
“TYN 612” & one
UJT “2646” & test points brought out on front panel. 
Power requirement: 230 VAC +10%, 50Hz.
For more details please refer datasheet.

Advance Communication Lab training Module - ME 773 - MARS
Product Overview

TDM Pulse Code Modulation Receiver
Observe Time Division Demultiplexing
of PCM data.
Clock regeneration by PLL & signal
recovery in 3 connecting modes
between Transmitter and Receiver.
Clock and frame synchronization in PCM 
system & effect of various faults.
For more details please refer datasheet.